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When you need expert advice

Burial History Modelling

Petroleum Systems Analysis

Petroleum systems analysis forms a cornerstone of our consulting services and involves an approach that involves integration of chronostratigraphy and depositional history with source rock, hydrocarbon and reservoir data in order to determine the nature, and stratigraphic and regional distributions of petroleum systems.

Numerous hydrocarbon charge modelling studies integrating petroleum systems analysis with geochemical modelling, using GENESIS™ and TRINITY™ software, have been carried out throughout SE Asia.  Our strong geochemical background enables realistic models to be built, incorporating heat flow variations and effects of erosion, and tested against exploration results and discovered hydrocarbon compositions, thus ensuring reliable assessment of undrilled prospects.  These studies are most effective when performed in the clients’ offices to enable successful reiteration and testing of different geological scenarios (e.g. nature of carrier beds, role of faults etc).   

Sequence Stratigraphy and Paleogeographic Reconstruction

Our understanding of biostratigraphic data has enabled us to develop a systematic approach to establishing basin wide chronostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic frameworks by integrating the tectonic evolution of the basin, global sea level changes and well data (biostratigraphy, palaeoenvironments and wireline logs).

The sequence model can then be used in order to understand the depositional history of the area and guide seismic interpretations within the basin in order to provide a framework for seismic interpretation, construct seismically-controlled sediment distribution maps and also prepare palaeogeographic maps for key time periods for source rock, reservoir and seal deposition.

The regional approach is essential to understand depositional processes in both depocentres and on surrounding shelves.

Sequence Mapping
Block Evaluations

Regional and Block Scale Evaluations

Horizon can provide an exploration team to carry out prospectivity evaluations for New Ventures activity or to evaluate contracted acreage either prior to, or after, drilling. The nature of these evaluations will depend on client requirements and status of exploration in the area but will invariably incorporate sequence stratigraphic and petroleum systems evaluation in order to define and map plays. Block scale evaluations may also include seismic interpretation/re-evaluation together with prospect identification and risking. Similar ‘quick-look’ evaluations have also been carried out for farm-in purposes.

We work with an experienced team of consultant geologists and geophysicists to carry out these studies.

Other Consulting Services

While our focus is mainly on G&G consulting we can also provide specialist consultants for many other projects. These include field geologists, production geologists, seismic acquisition planners, seismic acquisition QC experts, petrophysicists, reservoir engineers and economics experts.  

Contact us for exploration, development and production assistance. 

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