Data Packages
Data packages supplement our geological reports and provide an excellent starting point for your own studies. If you are interested in any of these send us an email indicating which one and we can send you more details and a full contents page.
West Sulawesi Geological Data Package

Digital geochemical, biostratigraphic and sedimentological data for 1400 field samples and 6 oil seeps. Digital surface geology incorporating cross sections and sample locations. Comprehensive Arc-GIS project with sample data and image files. Supplementary references.
Quote Package Ref: WSDP for more details.
Onshore Myanmar Digital Geological Database

Compilation of available geological data for field samples, well samples and oil/oil seeps from onshore Myanmar. Digital surface geological map with well and outcrop locations. Arc-GIS project incorporating digital data and sample image files together with spreadsheets.
Quote Report Ref: MYDP for more details.
Timor Leste Geological Database

Digital geological data for outcrop samples, oils and gases from onshore Timor Leste. Supplementary data for onshore wells. Digital surface geology with outcrop, well and seep locations. Comprehensive Arc-GIS project incorporating sample analytical data and image files.
Quote Report Ref: TSSR for more details.
Timor – Arafura-Bintui-Buton Geochemical Database

Compilation of geochemical data from Eastern Indonesia, incorporating review of original GCMS data and calculation of new biomarker ratios. Data provided as individual CSV files. Supplementary chromatogram images plus biostratigraphy data and non-exclusive reports as PDF files. Audit trail.
Quote Report Ref: EIDP for more details.
North Sumatra Geochemical Database

Digital geochemical database for wells, field samples, oils and gases from North Sumatra Basin, ncorporating review of original GCMS data and calculation of new biomarker ratios. Supplementary chromatogram and fragmentogram images plus original geochemical reports. Audit trail.
Quote Report Ref: NSDP for more details.
East Java Geological Database

Comprehensive G&G digital data package including seismic data, Kingdom seismic project with interpretation where available, wireline logs, composite logs, geochemical and biostratigraphic data plus test, show, poroperm, temperature and time-depth info.
Quote Report Ref: EJDP for more details.